Laatste voorstelling ‘Miss Saigon’ op 8 juli 2012

Miss Saigon is tot en met 8 juli 2012 te zien in het Beatrix Theater in Utrecht. Eerder was het de bedoeling dat Miss Saigon slechts 6 maanden te zien zou zijn. De speelperiode werd onlangs al verlengd tot 31 mei maar inmiddels zijn er weer extra voorstellingen gepland.Miss Saigon speelt zich af in de laatste maanden van de Vietnamoorlog en de eerste jaren daarna. De Amerikaanse soldaat Chris wordt verliefd op het Vietnamese meisje Kim, na de ontmoeting in de nachtclub Dreamland. Dreamland staat onder leiding van De Regelaar die alles doet om zijn visum voor Amerika te krijgen., Tijdens de plotselinge ontruiming van Saigon raken de geliefden elkaar kwijt. Chris wordt naar de Verenigde Staten gebracht, terwijl Kim in Vietnam achterblijft. De vraag is of zij elkaar ooit nog terug vinden…?

De hoofdrollen worden vertolkt door Stanley Burleson, Ton Sieben, Na-Young Jeon, Edwin Jonker en Kok-Hwa Lie. Inmiddels zijn er meer dan 250.000 kaarten voor de musical verkocht. Kaarten voor Miss Saigon zijn via deze link te bestellen.

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3 thoughts on “Laatste voorstelling ‘Miss Saigon’ op 8 juli 2012

  1. Richard Purcell

    It began this way:I was always a great musical enthusiast even when I was a child. I also had a fascination with the Titanic especially after reading Walter Lord’s great book “A Night To Remember” and seeing the equally good movie version

    Fast foward in time now and I am married with three children all of whom have inherited my love of musicals, especially my youngest daughter who not only like s watching them but loves performing in them-well..amateur verions anyway.

    With the coming of the 80′s and the big,blockbuster musicals, “Phantom Of The Opera” “Cats” “Les Mis” etc I started to take the family to London to see these shows. My youngest of course was

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  2. Richard Purcell

    (Contd) thrilled by this experience and especially when we took her to see “Miss Saigon” when she astonished us by telling us -at 12 years of age- that this was show she would love to appear in! We laughed of course

    Jump forward a few more years to the time when the family pay a visit to New York (Broadway!) and -given the choice-I select the musical “Titanic” for obvious reasons and decide to take my youngest with me to see it.

    After the show I asked her what she thought of her first Broadway musical experience.(It had been rather eerie as the date was 14th April, the very night this ship sank and the cast had asked at the end for a minute silence)She told me that (a) she was most irritated by all the late coming patrons; very bad manners! and (b) there was a role in it- that of Kate Magowran,the Irish girl, she knew she could play. I told her to go home a finish her studies and laughed again.

    However,neither my wife and I were laughing-we were rather terrified- a short time later when we found ourselves in the Circus Theatre with over a thousand other people watching my daughter playing the key part of Ellen in the first Dutch version of “Miss Saigon” with the original cast(Tony,Linda and Willem) What a baptism of fire! The only one who was not scared was my daughter; too unprofessional!

    And of course- it had to happen- when Joop brought “Titanic” to Holland guess who played the Irish girl? ! And in the exact same costume as well- it had been flown across from America and fit her like a glove!
    And all the rest is history….

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  3. speaker

    OM je gekochte Cd van Miss Saigon goed te kunnen beluisteren, heb je natuurlik goed speakers nodig.

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